Projects are long-term actions, carried out over a long period of time and whose beneficiaries are generally groups of people. Projects are carried out in various fields such as education, health, sustainable development, sport and others. An example of one of our long-term projects is the construction of a computer training center where young people can learn different programming languages.
Projekte sind langfristige Maßnahmen, die über einen längeren Zeitraum durchgeführt werden und deren Nutznießer in der Regel Gruppen von Menschen sind. Die Projekte werden in verschiedenen Bereichen wie Bildung, Gesundheit, nachhaltige Entwicklung, Sport und anderen durchgeführt. Ein Beispiel für eines unserer langfristigen Projekte ist der Bau eines IT-Schulungszentrums, in dem Jugendliche verschiedene Programmiersprachen erlernen können.
Les projets sont des actions à long terme, menées sur une longue période et dont les bénéficiaires sont généralement des groupes de personnes. Les projets sont menés dans différents domaines tels que l’éducation, la santé, le développement durable, le sport et autres. Un exemple de l’un de nos projets à long terme est la construction d’un centre de formation informatique où les jeunes peuvent apprendre différents langages de programmation.
Entrepreneurship for a sustainable future
To ensure sustainable and safe development, the training and education of young people must come first. In Africa, many children do not go to school because of lack of financial means of the families. To give young people the opportunity to go to school is to ensure a sustainable socio-economic development of a country. The same goes for those who have left the school and decided to do an apprenticeship. After finishing the apprenticeship young people want to start their own business, which usually requires initial investment (i.e. for their own workshop). Helping these young people to finish their schooling or to do an apprenticeship would secure their future and that’s our goal.

Informatics, a new field of opportunity
Information technology (IT) is the science and activity of using computers and other devices, infrastructure and software to store, transform and send information.
Despite the world’s great IT discoveries and breakthroughs, Africa remains the continent where very few people have access to IT tools. Helping or enabling large numbers of people to access and use IT tools could boost young people’s chances in this vacant field. That’s why Acting for Africa is planning a project in this area, to enable young people to seize every possible opportunity in this field.