Upcoming Events / Événements à venir

Cameroon: Donation to the public school Fodzon-Bafou in the subdivision of Nkong-Ni in Menoua.

Date: 16.09.2024

Paypal: Minitcho@yahoo.fr

Contact: + 49 (0) 17682614969

As part of this year’s Day of the African Child, the association Acting for Africa-Int e.V. is organising a charity campaign for an orphanage in Yaoundé (Cameroon) on 16, June 2024. With your small donation, you will enable access to education for all African children. The 22 orphans of GOOD SHEPERD would be very happy about it.


Im Rahmen des diesjährigen Tages des afrikanischen Kindes möchte der Verein Acting for Africa-Int e.V. am 16. Juni 2024 eine Charity-Aktion für ein Waisenhaus in Jaundé (Kamerun) organisieren. Mit Deiner kleinen Spende ermöglichst Du den Zugang zu Bildung für alle afrikanischen Kinder. Die 22 Waisenkinder von GOOD SHEPERD würden sich sehr darüber freuen.


Dans le cadre de la Journée de l’enfant africain de cette année, l’association Acting for Africa-Int e.V. souhaite organiser une action caritative pour un orphelinat à Yaoundé (Cameroun) le 16 Juin 2024. Avec ton petit don, tu permets l’accès à l’éducation pour tous les enfants africains. Les 22 orphelins de GOOD SHEPERD en seraient très heureux


Our Strategies

Our strategy is to make ourselves known through actions and projects, to consolidate in the future our presence in Africa and to help the population, especially youth and women, to understand the importance of school, health, Sport, environmental protection, sustainable development and training. Through our projects, we also want to stimulate the entrepreneurial spirit of the population. Our target groups differ according to our projects and actions, but the people we work with the most are young people. We want to give them back their confidence by relying on their own talent and helping them to bounce back in the face of the difficult situations they are experiencing.

Project and action fields

Health campaign by the organization Acting for Africa at Bafang District Hospital

Africa bears “more than 24% of the global burden of disease, but has access to only 3% of health workers and less than 1% of the world’s financial resources,” accord- ing to WHO. The poor state of health systems in many African countries is another red flag to medical professionals.


Women's development in the Central African Republic

According to UNESCO of all regions, sub-Saharan Africa has the highest rates of education exclusion. Over one-fifth of children between the ages of about 6 and 11 are out of school, followed by one-third of youth between the ages of about 12 and 14. According to UIS data, almost 60% of youth between the ages of about 15 and 17 are not in school. 

Without urgent action, the situation will likely get worse as the region faces a rising demand for education due to a still-growing school-age population.


More hope for youth through sport

Sport is a good activity to keep young people busy and take them out of idleness. Through sport, we are in contact with young people and take advantage of the opportunity to guide them and get them back on the right track. In Africa, there is a lack of adequate sports infrastructure where young people can do sport. Many people in areas where there are sports fields do not have adequate clothing or shoes to practice sports.


Sustainable development in Africa

Entrepreneurship for a sustainable future

To ensure sustainable and safe development, the training and education of young people must come first. In Africa, many children do not go to school because of lack of financial means of the families. To give young people the opportunity to go to school is to ensure a sustainable socio-economic development of a country. The same goes for those who have left the school and decided to do an apprenticeship. After finishing the apprenticeship young people want to start their own business, which usually requires initial investment (i.e. for their own workshop). Helping these young people to finish their schooling or to do an apprenticeship would secure their future and that’s our goal.

Sustainable development


Helping makes happy and joyful

Helping others is a key component of happiness. By helping others, you can increase your own happiness. Volunteering, donating, or simply lending a hand to a friend can have a positive impact on our emotional and psychological well-being. By incorporating acts of kindness into our lives, we can experience many benefits and live a happier life.